rendering of Barry Farm

The New Communities Initiative is a District of Columbia government program designed to revitalize severely distressed subsidized housing and redevelop neighborhoods into vibrant mixed-income communities. The Initiative includes four neighborhoods in the District of Columbia: Barry Farm / Lincoln Heights – Richardson Dwelling / Northwest One / Park Morton

History of New Communities

The New Communities Initiative was created as a response to federal budget cuts to housing revitalization programs and increasing local pressures to address crime and poverty in District neighborhoods.  


The New Communities Initiative provides public financing to achieve physical redevelopment and access to human capital. This approach leverages private investment in creating healthy communities. New Communities is a collaborative effort that includes residents, government partners, community organizations, advocates, lenders and developers.


 The vision for the New Communities Initiative is for vibrant mixed-income neighborhoods that address both the physical architecture and human capital  needs, where residents have quality affordable housing options, economic opportunities and access to appropriate human services.



One for One
One for One

to ensure that there is no net loss of affordable housing units in the neighborhood.

The Opportunity
to Return/Stay
The Opportunity
to Return/Stay

in the community to ensure that current residents will have a priority for new replacement units in an effort to remain in their neighborhood.

Mixed-Income Housing
Mixed-Income Housing

to end the concentration of low-income housing and poverty.

Build First
Build First

which calls for the development of new housing to begin prior to the demolition of existing distressed housing to minimize displacement.

“Residents understand that you cannot go through life by yourself, you have to have belonging and community. Through our work (New Communities), we've brought a sense of belonging and community, and I believe that we've played a role in the community for everyone.” –Patrick Williams, Property Manager, Columbus Property Management
“New Communities helps residents feel like they have some support system to get through difficult times and difficult decisions.” –LaShone Davis, Case Manager, HOU
“New Communities is a great idea that takes families that are entrenched in under-served communities and helps them. It provides a home for families that have been through cycles of poverty, and breaks those cycles.” –Anthony Wash, Founder, A. Wash & Associates
“The best part is to see the graduates walk across the stage, to hear the families scream 'you actually made it' and to see them be so successful.” –Aretha Lyles, Service Provider, Choices program
In the summer of 2013, Pleasant would get two phone calls. First, a resumé that she gave to her case manager (Homes for Hope) led to a new job. Then, she learned she could move into a newly constructed development as part of the New Communities Initiative. Today, Pleasant takes advantage of Jazzercise classes in the F.H. Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center, located in the mixed-use complex. 'I moved two blocks, but it feels like I’m a thousand miles away,' Pleasant said.   –Adopted from the January 8th Washington Post article, Kimberly Pleasant, Lincoln Heights resident
Living at Temple Courts has been a struggle and a success in itself, especially being a single mother of two. We lived there for eight years with broken elevators, dark hallways, drugs, and destruction in and around the dwellings.....I will never forget the help received while looking for my first home. We truly appreciate HOU and commend them highly on their dedication to our family and all of the Temple Courts residents. –Angela James, former Temple Courts resident
Bobbi has been an inspiration to her community, her classmates her family and the HOU Case Management Team. She never once allowed her circumstances to determine her destiny. We look forward to more success and continue to encourage her to reach for the stars.  –Housing Opportunities Unlimited, case management team


6:30pm (past event)

NeighborUp Park Morton

Neighbor Up Park Morton | 12.20.18
Story District, 3329 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20010 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm

6:30pm (past event)

NeighborUp Marvin Gaye Park

Neighbor Up Lincoln Heights, Richardson Dwellings, and Greater Deanwood | 11.29.18
Riverside Recreation Center 5200 Foote St SE, Washington, D.C. 20020 | 6:30pm – 8:00pm

5:30pm (past event)

Resident and Wider Community Meeting #4

Resident and Wider Community Meeting #4 | 10.22.18
Barry Farm Recreation Center 1230 Sumner Road, SE, Washington, D.C. 20020 | Expo: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM | Meeting : 6:30 PM – 8 PM


Park Morton Steering Committee Meeting

Park Morton

The Park Morton Quarterly Open Steering Committee meeting was held on February 28th, 2019 at the Park View Recreation Center. Read on for updates about the Bruce Monroe Zoning Appeal, the Park Morton phasing plan and interim control funding from the Deputy Mayor for Planning for Economic Development. Meeting materials can be found below: Presentation

FY2019 New Communities Initiative Comprehensive Case Management Program

Human Capital

NCI is seeking applicants to provide comprehensive case management to residents of the Lincoln Heights/Richardson Dwellings community. These case management services will be offered to heads of household and their family within the same household, guided by a strengths-based case plan developed jointly by the case manager and consumer(s). The Request for Applications (RFA) will […]

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NCI Community Maps